Then I literally said out loud, "Deep breaths, Jennifer." Which I followed with a deep breath. Then I prayed. I said, "Lord you have to take control of this situation because, I can't control it. I'm losing more and more control by the second. Please Lord!" I desperately need his firm, calming hand in that moment.
He delivered. In the second after I prayed, I literally put my hand on the skirt LR wanted and Amelia's cry went from a scream to just a cry. I took another deep breath and thanked Him for his intervention then went on handling what needed to be done.
Are my prayers always answered that fast? Nope, they are not. God knew my sanity was a stake this time! He knows my every need and provides according to His plans.
Philippians 4:6
6Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
One of my most difficult struggles is anxiety or fear. I have learned to just bath it in prayer because no matter how hard I try, I cannot control it. I cannot control when my face starts burning, my heart rate increases, I have those dreaded palpation's, I break out in a cold sweat and I cannot sleep. I detest anxiety and all of the awful things it does to my body. I despise how emotions can control your entire being.
Maybe this is rational, maybe it is not...but I feel like when I am anxious, I need to up the faith a little or a lot. I do have faith and trust in God. Sometimes I just cannot control those anxious feelings and it leaves me frustrated with myself. I never had to deal with anxiety before Eli. Sure, I had moments where I got in a tizzy about things that were going on. I am talking about daily anxiety. Anxiety that reaches you to the core and shakes you up. I have had my fair share of it in the last (almost) two years. When we found out that Eli had Potter's it all began. I had just about gotten past the worst of it when we found out we were pregnant with Amelia. Then it just started all over again. I literally was anxious complete with racing heart, palpitations, and sleeplessness until we had our level II scan with Amelia.
So today the anxiety is not as bad and does not overcome me like it used to. It is not a daily experience but I do still battle it on occasions. We were talking about needing to be in control of situations in Sunday school, Sunday morning and how losing control causes anxiety. It made me stop and wonder. First of all, I know that everyone has struggles and sometimes those struggles lend way to anxiety. But I wonder what would happen if instead of losing control of situations, we handed control over to God first. It is so hard to ask for help isn't it? I struggle so much with this. I don't want to be a bother even to God. Am I the only one who has this struggle? Am I the only one that gets frustrated by anxiety? Am I the only one who can not control anxiety?
This is where fear and faith my life at least.
Much love,
Maybe this is rational, maybe it is not...but I feel like when I am anxious, I need to up the faith a little or a lot. I do have faith and trust in God. Sometimes I just cannot control those anxious feelings and it leaves me frustrated with myself. I never had to deal with anxiety before Eli. Sure, I had moments where I got in a tizzy about things that were going on. I am talking about daily anxiety. Anxiety that reaches you to the core and shakes you up. I have had my fair share of it in the last (almost) two years. When we found out that Eli had Potter's it all began. I had just about gotten past the worst of it when we found out we were pregnant with Amelia. Then it just started all over again. I literally was anxious complete with racing heart, palpitations, and sleeplessness until we had our level II scan with Amelia.
So today the anxiety is not as bad and does not overcome me like it used to. It is not a daily experience but I do still battle it on occasions. We were talking about needing to be in control of situations in Sunday school, Sunday morning and how losing control causes anxiety. It made me stop and wonder. First of all, I know that everyone has struggles and sometimes those struggles lend way to anxiety. But I wonder what would happen if instead of losing control of situations, we handed control over to God first. It is so hard to ask for help isn't it? I struggle so much with this. I don't want to be a bother even to God. Am I the only one who has this struggle? Am I the only one that gets frustrated by anxiety? Am I the only one who can not control anxiety?
This is where fear and faith my life at least.
Much love,