Today Jamie and I celebrate 13 years of wedded bliss.
This is us May 31, 1997.
Boy have we changed! There are quite a few more gray hairs. We looked young in this picture. We looked cautiously happy in this picture. Kind of happy with a little (or a lot) of scared mixed in. I was 23 and Jamie had just turned 21. Yes, I wrangled a younger man! Until that day I had never lived anywhere other than my parents home. Want to talk about culture shock? Jamie had been on his own for maybe a little less than two years.
Jamie and I had been dating for one year when we tied the preverbial knot! I remember the first time I ever saw him. It was in Pine Level, Alabama in the parking lot of Sike's and Kohn's Country Mall. I thought he was the best looking snob I had ever seen. He did not even speak to me this day. So I just brushed it off as another good looking fellow who was full of himself. About a month later we met again. This time we had the opportunity to sit down and talk for at least a couple of hours. He came to Troy twice that week after that. Then the next weekend we went on our first "official" date. He took me to Olive Garden then we watched a movie. I remember that dinner was really awkward. We struggled for conversation. Looking back I realize that we were so nervous neither of us could really think. Six months later he put a ring on my finger and had completely swept me off of my feet.
He proposed to me two nights before Christmas at the Pines restaurant here in Troy. We ate dinner and then he actually got down on his knee right there. It was the sweetest thing ever. We were married 6 months later on the rainiest day ever. It rained so hard that I had a few people tell me they could not even get out of their cars to come in to the church. I guess I have a history with rain huh?
We have had 13 years filled with so much. Our first year was definitely an adjustment for me. We lived in a townhouse apartment in Montgomery. I was homesick to say the least. Not that I did not love my husband and being married. I had just lived with my parents for 23 years and I think I have mentioned before change is something I have to get used to. Jamie was so patient during that time. I remember a couple of times him bringing flowers home to cheer me up. About five or six months into our first year of marriage, we bought a house. It was an exciting time. Jamie and I both have grown so much over the last 13 years. Our love has grown and deepened. During this time Jamie has graduated with a degree in accounting and received his CPA certificate. So, he is a bean counter, but not the boring kind people often think of. He is a wonderful husband and provider for this family.
Six months ago our relationship really was put to the test and I think we stood up to the test...are standing up to the test. When Jamie and I were first married we had differing ideas about how many children we wanted. Jamie wanted two. I wanted 4...5...6 or whatever God blessed us with. We decided just to have them one at a time and see where that took us. (As long as there were no more than two). Then we began having problems sustaining a pregnancy and wondered if God's plan even included any children for us. Jamie was so wonderful and supportive during this time. My body was it seemed going crazy, and that is hard as a woman to think that you can not give your husband a child. It was a very emotional time. Jamie stood strong and held my hand the entire way. He never waivered. We eventually had Jay, then Cooper, then Lucie Rose (yes, that is three). God seemed to open Jamie's mind and heart up to a third child. Then we began talking about possibly having a fourth child. Jamie was not opposed, he was even excited about the idea. When we found out we were pregnant we were beside ourselves with excitement. That excitement was put on hold November 30, 2009. We found out that the baby we were so excited to have was incompatible with life.
Let me preface what I am about to say by also saying that I have always loved Jamie and always had such respect for him. the last six months, I have come to have a deeper, greater love and respect for him. He has been a rock to me and taken such amazing care of this family all the while grieving and missing his boy. Not to mention that Eli's death occured right in the middle of tax season, one of the busiest times of year for Jamie's job. My husband has taken so much of the burden of Eli's death off of me. He has made decisions that I could not have made alone. He has made phone calls that I just couldn't deal with. He has held me and let me snort, snot and snivel by the way of crying. (I am not a graceful or pretty crier.) He has given me time to myself, when he knew I was overwhelmed. I can honestly say that this list could go on and on and on. He is a man to be respected.
Everyday is interesting with Jamie. Even when we just relax on the couch and watch House Hunter's it is interesting. I love every minute I spend with him and I miss him every minute we are apart. After 13 years, I still can not get enough of him. I love him more today than I ever thought possible 13 years ago. My heart just continues to grow and make room for him.
Ephesians 5:25-33
25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 28So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband
Thank you Jamie for the most amazing 13 years of my life! I love you!
Precious!!! I totally understand what you mean about how you've always loved him deeply but the last 6 months have really been something so grounded, deep and strong.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about my husband. Praise god for the blessing of wonderful husbands!!
Happy anniversary!
Wow! That was beautiful! I can feel the love you have for him through your words. What an amazing relationship to have. Happy 13 years!!!
ReplyDeletelove and prayers
I love this!