Friday, February 4, 2011

Lovefest day: 4

Today you will be so blessed to read Lissette's blog.  She shares her love for her family so beautifully in her post.  Thank you Lissette for sharing with us today. 

I was so completely bummed that there were no takers on my poem challenge.  That's alright, I'll post mine anyway and if you still want to share you can in the comments section of this post or yesterday's.  I still love you guys! If you are like me you have been way busy!  I'll share with you later about the concert I went to last night.  Just a hint...Kerrie Roberts, Jason Gray, 33 Miles, Building 429... tired today...can't get moving. Well, I digress.  Without further delay I will post my poem.

Lost in the joy with
Openness abounding even through
Valleys and on top of peeks
Everlasting affection remains.

Alright, now your turn! The challenge remains!  I'm just determined...or stubborn...or I just can't let things go. You'd have to ask Jamie which one it true, but then again maybe not because as I said...I just can't let things go.

Much love,


  1. I just saw it! It is not at ALL corny! I love it! Thanks for playing along! You rock mama!

  2. Let's not
    Offend a
    Very beautiful

  3. Not good with poem...


  4. I am know this is with Valentine instead of Love...but a friend sent this to me...I thought this was good.

    True Love

    For God so loVed the world
    that He gAve
    His oNly
    That whosoever
    Believeth In Him
    Should Not perish
    But have Everlasting life.
    John 3:16

  5. The above did not line up the way it should have...I'm sorry.
