Saturday, March 19, 2011

Baby...or no baby...

Is she coming, or is she going to camp out a little while longer? That is the twenty million dollar question. I have been having contractions on and off now for a little over a month.  I have had to have three shots to stop them and the doctor prescribed some medication to help at home. The medication is no longer effective.  I am having contractions even with it. I was 36 weeks yesterday, so chances are it would be fine if Miss Amelia decided to make her appearance.  However, I'd like her to hang out for just a little while longer except with out the contractions. For the last three days, I have really had some doozies. Jay, my oldest came at 37 weeks, Cooper came at 36 weeks, Lucie Rose came at 39 weeks, and Eli came at 32 weeks. So, given my previous history, it could be any day now or no time soon. 
I have been a nesting crazy woman here lately.  My garage is in tip top shape.  My back porch got a much needed cleaning. I am loving the smell of Clorox, Lemon Pledge, Lemon Pine sol, and Fantastic in my house. Believe it or not I only have one....yes, I said one load of laundry that needs to be done.  The closets even got a touch up.  Whewww, I'm tired just thinking about it...
Did I mention that I have now hit the really tired phase of the third trimester.  The last couple of days my energy level has been at zero. I even was able to sneak in a nap while LR napped yesterday. Although I was frustrated at myself for going to sleep, it felt good to shut my eyes for a few minutes.
So, the question is...... When will our little princess make her appearance??? As I was typing this I had three really good contractions that were in my lower back.
What do you think?  Leave your predictions in the comment section, just for fun!!!

Much love,


  1. Maybe our girls will have the same birthday! I'll guess Monday!

  2. I'm guessing April 1st, no real reason, just a fun guess! Don't feel bad for napping, I try to sneak one daily, even if it's only 20 minutes!
    PS. since your house is looking so great, we have a garage that needs some serious TLC! Something to think about since you have a week and a half before Amelia is here :)

  3. Wednesday (March 23rd)....just because that is my husband's bday.

  4. Oh dear, pregnancy drama! You must be worn out having contractions for so long. Can't wait to "meet" little Amelia! Hang in there Mama!

    Heavenly Father, how I praise You for the life within me, the fruit of our love; for the mysterious way in which You have used my body during the past nine months. I have not created with my mind or will, saying, "Today I shall make the legs, tomorrow the eyes.". I have committed my body to You, the great Creator. I offer You this tiredness of limb. As the day of birth approaches, I ask that I may labor well. Praise, honor, glory to You forever. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  5. This post tickled me! When I was pregnant with Savannah I was OBSESSED... I MEAN OBSESSED with Windex! I cleaned everything with it. We had to buy it in bulk. I was NOT a happy camper if my house didn't smell hospital clean! :) I would literally spray it in the rooms like air freshener. (My husband would cough hysterically, oh how I should have video taped that!)

    Savannah was born at 36weeks. You are in the clear now. But I will GLADLY say a prayer for a few more "contraction free" weeks! Cannot wait to meet your new little one!!!!!

  6. Well, Mama's birthday is the March she could share a birthday with her Aunt Crickett :)


  7. Keeping you in my prayers for a safe delivery & healthy baby girl. My daughter's birthday is next Sunday the 27th but I hope you go before that if your in pain.
    Take care

  8. How about March 20th. I am thinking 10:59 am. :)

    Love you so much! Congrats to you. Welcome and Love Miss Amelia!
